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Markham College

Markham College

British School in Lima

British School in Lima
Av. La Republica 111 – 195, Monterrico, Surco, Lima (Early Years and Lower School) and Calle Augusto Angulo 291, San Antonio, Miraflores, Lima (Upper School)
Early Years - Nursery, Pre-Kinder, Kinder and P1; Lower School - P2 to P5, or Key Stage Two; Middle School P6, S1 and S2; Upper School – S3, S4 and S5
Language of instruction
English and Spanish
Additional languages
School-leaving qualification
IGCSE certificates, Peruvian program diploma, International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma
Monthly tuition
S/ 4,458 (9 months to be paid per year)
Yearly enrollment fee
Same amount as tuition
One-time admission fee
S/ 58,670

Markham College was founded by British expatriates and students fulfill the Peruvian and the IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) program from the University of Cambridge.

The total number of students is about 2,000 with 94% from Peru and 6% from over 30 different countries. Class sizes are around 20 - 25 students.

The campus for Early Years and Lower School is in Surco, the one for Upper School in Miraflores.


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Maria Reiche - Memories

Submitted by: Tintin
05 December 2021

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