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The Caminos del Inca Rally 2016 is held from the 22nd to the 30th October in Peru, photo: autotvperu

Caminos del Inca Rally 2016

Peru’s most important national motorsport event kicked off last weekend


Caminos del Inca Rally is the country’s most famous motorsport event taking place entirely in Peru. From open and testing desert terrain to steep and winding high mountain roads the racing teams this year have to conquer over 3500 km / 2200 miles in 10 days on dirt, gravel and asphalt surfaces with their modified but still road-legal cars.

The Caminos del Inca Rally 2016 takes place between the 22nd and 30th of October and leads the drivers through some breathtaking scenery of the regions of Lima, Ica, Arequipa, Puno, Cusco, Apurímac, Ayacucho, Huancavelica and Junín taking the drivers with their co-driver to altitudes of over 4500 m / 15.000 ft.

As in the years before the Caminos del Inca Rally 2016 as well is a stage rally where the actual competition takes place in timed "special stages” (on the maps below named PE and marked in green); on the untimed "transport stages" (route marked in red on the maps below) the cars must be driven under their own power to the next competitive stage within a generous time limit.

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Caminos del Inca Rally the Peruvian Automobile Association (ACP), organizer of the event, added 2 more stages to the usual 5 main stages making this extremely challenging rally even more demanding and interesting for the teams and spectators.

Caminos del Inca Rally Route 2016

  • 22nd of October, 1st stage: The competition starts with a special stage at the La Chutana race track south of Lima. Afterwards the drivers are on their way to Nasca.
  • 23rd of October, 2nd stage: On their way from Nasca to Arequipa the drivers have to conquer special stages in PE2 Marcona – Camaná, PE3 Camaná – Guerreros and PE$ Cerro Verde - Congata
  • 24th of October, 3rd stage: A long day up into the Andean mountains awaits the drivers on their route from Arequipa to Puno at Lake Titicaca with 3 special stage: PE5 Huayllacucho – Santa Lucía, PE6 Cabanillas – Juliaca and PE7 Juliaca – Huata
  • 25th of October, 4th stage: Beautiful scenery, challenging mountain roads from Puno to Cusco with 3 special stages: PE8 Puno – Ayaviri, PE9 Chuquibambilla – Langui and PE10 San Jerónimo – Cusco
  • 26th of October: rest day in Cusco
  • 27th of October, 5th stage: narrow, winding mountain passage from Cusco to Ayacucho with special stages PE11 Peaje Huillque – Abancay, PE12 P. Sahuinto – Champacocha, PE13 Argama – Pacucha, PE14 Talavera – Chincheros and PE15 Abra Ocros – Huatatas
  • 28th of October: rest day in Ayacucho
  • 29th of October, 6th stage: from Ayacucho to Huancayo with special stages PE16 Compañia – Maynay, PE17 Mayoc – Pampas and PE18 Abra Pampas – Pucará
  • 30th of October, 7th stage: The last day of the rally leads from Huancayo in the Andean mountains down to the Pacific Ocean and back to Lima with special stages PE19 Acostambo – Huancavelica and PE20 Chuñuranra – Humay


The Caminos del Inca Rally 2016 leads through the Peruvian regions of Lima, Ica, Arequipa, Puno, Cusco, Apurímac, Ayacucho, Huancavelica and Junín
The 1st stage of the Caminos del Inca Rally 2016 in Peru from Lima to Nasca
The 2nd stage of the Caminos del Inca Rally 2016 in Peru from Nasca to Arequipa
The 3rd stage of the Caminos del Inca Rally 2016 in Peru from Arequipa to Puno at Lake Titicaca
The 4 th stage of the Caminos del Inca Rally 2016 in Peru from Puno to Cusco
The 5th stage of the Caminos del Inca Rally 2016 in Peru from Cusco to Ayacucho
The 6th stage of the Caminos del Inca Rally in Peru from Ayacucho to Huancayo
the 7th stage of the Caminos del Inca Rally 2016 in Peru frum Huancayo back to Lima


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