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From January 1, 2019 visitors have to choose between 3 time periods to enter Machu Picchu in Peru

New entrance times for Machu Picchu 2019

From January 1, 2019 visitors have to choose between 3 shifts to enter Machu Picchu


With the aim of better coping with the increasing number of visitors and improving the tourist flow at Peru’s most popular attraction, a further defined system to enter Machu Picchu will be introduced on January 1, 2019.

Already since July 2017 Machu Picchu visitors have to enter the Inca citadel in 2 shifts; a morning shift from 06.00 am to 12.00 pm and an afternoon shift from 12.00 pm to 05.30 pm.

From the beginning of next year Machu Picchu visitors will have to choose even between 3 periods to enter the country’s New World Wonder:

  • Early morning between 06.00 am and 09.00 am
  • Morning between 09.00 am and 12.00 pm
  • Afternoon 12.00 pm and 03.00 pm

Closing time remains the same and is 05.30 pm.

Additionally, the entrance will be restricted to every full hour; so, for the early morning shift for example this means that visitors can only enter Machu Picchu at 06.00 am, 07.00 am and 08.00 pm.

As most Machu Picchu visitors enter the site early in the morning, Cusco’s regional Culture Directorate tries to encourage visiting the site later in the day with special benefits in 2019: visitors who enter the Inca citadel in the second period will have free access to the on-site museum Manuel Chávez Ballón; those that choose to enter Machu Picchu in the third time span in addition can enter the archaeological site Raqchi for free.

New entrance fees for Machu Picchu in 2020

For now entrance fees remain the same as in the previous year.

According to Cusco’s regional Culture Directorate as of 2020 however ticket prices will vary depending on the time you enter. Visitors entering Machu Picchu early mornings will have to pay 20% more. The ticket price for the morning shift will remain the same, while the afternoon ticket will cost 20% less.

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  • This commment is unpublished.
    • PeruTelegaph
    · 5 years ago
    @Simon Right now no changes in the regulations to climb Huayna Picchu have been published. So I assume that there are still 2 time slots with 200 people each: the first between 07.00 am and 08.00 am and the second between 10.00 am and 11.00 am. If you want to climb the mountain during the first slot, then enter the Machu Picchu on the early morning shift and be at the foot of Huayna Picchu which is within the site between 7 and 8. And you can visit the actual arqueological site before or after.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Simon · 5 years ago
    Hi, may I ask if any people know, if I buy the ticket with MachuPicchu + Waynapicchu 1G or 2G, which time slot I can go visit machupicchu? is it the same entrance for the Mountain and Machu Picchu? thanks a lot for your answer!