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The Avenue Guzmán Blanco will be closed starting today

Avenue Guzmán Blanco will be closed from today

The Municipality of Lima begins with extensive repair works of street and sidewalks


The affected stretch is between the Plaza Bolognesi and the Jorge Chavez roundabout in downtown Lima.

According to the official statement from the district capital, the works include the reconstruction of the damaged pavement and an expansion from three to four lanes in both directions of the busy road. At the same time new bus stops for the public transport will be constructed and the sidewalks will be equipped with signals for people with disabilities.

Other improvements planned by the Municipality of Lima include better street lights, an intelligent traffic light network and more green areas with new trees.

The works are scheduled to last 180 days and the vehicular access for over five blocks will be restricted. During the first 60 days the lanes that go from south to north (from the Plaza Bolognesi towards the Jorge Chavez roundabout will be closed. After completion of this stretch it will be reopened and works begin in the opposite direction, from north to south (from the Jorge Chavez roundabout towards the Plaza Bolognesi).

The Municipality of Lima together with the Transit Police drew up a plan of detours. This week three drills at different times were performed to assess the impact and test the detours.

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